
Grow my babies, GROW god dammit!

Yes.. I'm talking about my quads again ;).

I'm really busting them, and pushing the barrier every time I work on my legs.
I'm not only talking about the weight I'm lifting but the form/sets I'm doing with certain weight.

For instance. I can squat 170kg for 5-6 reps (with spotter) but I wouldn't really call them squats since they're not even to the parallel. So .. I rather lower the weight and go below the parallel.
A month ago I did 1 set of 160kg for 3 reps to the parallel. Three days ago I did 2 sets of 160kg for 5 reps below parallel. So I guess I'm improving on my strenght, my form and in size of my legs ;).

Another example of making progress. Usually when I work my quads I start with squats, then move to leg press, then to leg extenstions and hack squat machine.
Before I was max 140kg on squats and when I tried leg presses I maxed at about 6-8 reps of 320kg.
Now I max at 160kg on squats I can go up to 405kg on leg press and actually do 2 sets of 6 reps! 

ROM (range of motion) is not quite what I'd like it to be ... YET! I'll get there eventually but in the mean while I'll jut hit them hard. Even if ROM and form aren't 100%, they still work for me.

Here's a vid of me doing 405kg leg press after busting my quads on squats and deadlifts.


I decided to finally incorporate some deadlifts into my routine. I just wish I did them before :/.

Oh.. and my quads one day before:

I've got to focus more on my hamstrings.. I'm kinda neglecting them since quad workout really takes most of my energy away. I'll either have to decrease the volume for the quads or train one more day in the gym. So that would make 6 days on, one day off. I'm not quite sure what to do. I think 6 days in the gym is a bit of an overkill for me. Can hardly make time for 5 days.

This was the Quads workout 3 days ago:

Some dynamic warmup before that.
Squat: 20x20, 15x40, 10x60, 10x80, 10x100, 5x110, 5x120, 5x140, 2x5x160kg.
Deadlift: 15x40kg, 10x80kg, 3x6x100kg
Leg press: 10x320kg, 2x6x405kg (PB)


  1. I don't see any neglected leg muscles! ;)

  2. Haha.. thanks man.
    Well.. hams are not visible ;)
