
What's new & Maxx Fit challenge #2 complete

Hello again. Wow.. it's been a while since I wrote anything here.
I got a new job and I like it.

In one of the previous posts I mentioned I'm taking part in a challenge. The challenge is now over and I'm quite happy with my progress. I wasn't in top three but I did make a nice change in the past 4 months. Could/should've done better though. Loosing my job knocked me out a bit, but now I'm back on track and heading in a right direction.

My goal for the challenge was to be bigger, stronger, leaner and take part in a BB competition.

So.. my stats during the challenge:
Started 22nd January 2012
Age: 34
Height: ~175cm 
Weight: ~86kg
%BF: ~11%

Measurements(relaxed state):
Waist: 86.00 cm
Thighs: 62.00 cm
Calves: 40.01 cm
Chest: 107.01 cm
Forearm: 29.01 cm
Biceps: 38.00 cm
Shoulders: 130.00 cm
Hips: 95.00 cm
Neck: 41.00 cm

Before pics:

And ended on May 27th 2012

Age: 35 +1 ;)
Height: ~175cm - no change
Weight: ~86kg - no change
%M: ~n/a% - didn't measure

Measurements (relaxed state):
Waist: 83.00 cm : - 3cm
Thighs: 61.00 cm: -1cm
Calves: 40.5 cm: +0,5cm
Chest: 112 cm: +5cm :OSlika I wonder
Forearm: 31.5 cm: +2,5cm
Biceps: 38.00 cm: 0cm
Shoulders: 130.00 cm: 0cm
Hips: 95.00 cm: 0cm
Neck 43.00 cm: +2cm

After pics:


Bigger - check
Stronger - check
Leaner - check
Take part in a competition - in 5 months time ;).

I'm quite happy with the progress and am continuing to improve my form.
This is what my quads look like at the moment. Need to do some more cutting ;). A lot actually.

And my ab section.

I'm very tired lately. I only get about 5h sleep which is not OK. I don't regenerate fast or well enough, I'm not loosing fat as fast as I should. 

Have to get at least two more hours of sleep.

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