
Back to the gym

aka the return of Alex ;).

So. On Monday I had two exams. Passed one ;) and failed one :/. The first one was my priority since it was a very hard exam and took my time away from studying for the second one.

I'm semi satisfied with the results. I guess I'll have to make a better effort next time. Start preparing a bit earlier next time.

My next exam is on 14th March (Math). I'm starting tomorrow ;).

And now for the gym stuff. I was very ancious to return to the gym and I hit my back on Monday .. HARD! It still hurts today ;). On Tuesday I did legs. Damn.. that was very tiring. I was completly out of energy and still did the best I could that day. Went to the gym with a migrene. I'm not stopping. I'm on a mission ;).

Yesterday was a rest day. Today PHAT Hypertrophy Upper body.

Oh.. And a picture from 12th January 2012.  It's blurry but I can't fix that ;).


  1. blurry.. but you still look pumped! :)

  2. Thanks TP.. need to get rid of that excessive stuff around my stomack ;).
