So. I'm so days away from my first ever bodybuilding competition.
So far so good or is it?
Why 60 and 67 days out?
Well.. IBFF world 2012 is due in 60 days and a new competition Maxximum-Open is due in 67 days.
A started preparing about 8 weeks ago and have lost 6kg in this time but still have at least 6 to go to make it into my category. I think I can do it by then. I should be at about 73-74kg by the time I get on stage, preferably even less.
I'm taking it slowly because I don't want to sacrifice too much muscle just to hit the desired weight. So far so good I think.
My trainings are 3-on, 1-off:
day 1: Chest, Side&Front delts, triceps. Yeah.. triceps is burned to a crisp when I finish ;).
day 2: Back, Traps, Rear delts, biceps.
day 3: You guessed it. My favorite.. LEGS!
I do cardio twice a day on workout days: Before weights 25-30 min eliptical trainer with 13-15 HIIT(15 s on - 45 s off. After weights - LISS cardio with my dog. Fast pace walking 2,5 - 3,5km.
I go by the feeling. Don't have any general exercises planned and number of reps/sets. If I feel I can do more I do more, if I feel I can't I still force myself to do the best I can.
I fell OK. Some mood swings from time to time but generally OK. My energy levels are fine. In&Out of the gym.
And some graphic material to accompany this post ;).
Focused. Damn.. I even scare myself ;). |
Huh.. you call that a triceps? |
Even when on vacation there's no rest for me... |
That's it for now. I'll try and be more prompt with my posts.