
Maxx FIT Izziv | Maxx FIT Challenge

So.. I applied for a FIT challenge on Maxximum forum.

I'll have to write my diary on the forum, including my workout, diet, etc. It should be fun I guess ;).

Official start is on 22nd January and it ends on 27th May 2012 but I already started ;).
My goals stated in the challege: To be bigger, stronger, more ripped and to compete.


My beautifull wife and me ;)

Taken at our gym's new years party.


Squats - form check yet again

This time I left my ego outside the gym and only put 120kg in my back.
Well the form is better and I feel my quads have been hit harder then with 150kg. Perhaps I should go to lower position a bit slower. First two squats were a bit too fast I think.

I wish I had a proper spotter though. I had the feeling I could do 2-3 more reps. So next time I'll try 5x130 with this form. We'll see.

Here's the video:


Quads progress assesment

Checking out my quads progress..
21.10.2011                  11.11.2011                     5.12.2011
I think I'm on the right track .


So.. my thoughts on Norton's PHAT

It's kinda cool ;).
I'm still getting used to heavy-light regime and 5 day a week workouts.

I'm not seeing any results yet. It's still a bit early I guess. Only two weeks of PHAT can't make miracles can they. Let's wait for another two weeks and we'll see.

I still have mixed feelings about this program. A I said I can't get used to heavy-light workout regime. I feel like I'm not doing it right or something. I don't get very tired after these workouts and feel like I'm not hitting the weights hard enough ;). I'm used to going all-out every time I hit the gym so yeah.. I'll just have to get used to it.

As many have told me and as I've read in many articles it ain't always about going all out. It's important to use your mind as well. So .. I've lowered the weights I'm lifting a bit and am trying to really focus on the muscle I'm working on. I'm also trying to make video records of some workouts just so I can check the form and correct. I believe Assess & Correct would be the right way of describing it.

Below you can see how my form check of Bent over barbell rows and Squats..
OK.. After seeing this I started rowing with lower weights. My back is not parallel to the ground enough, I'm unable to squeeze and hold my shoulder blades and the movement is too fast. New weight to row is 110kg. 130 is too much.

Well.. not going low enough, not controlling the weights enough, change the damn shoes (Did that already ;)). New weight - 120-130kg below parallel.

So.. The lesson learned is to be patient and smart about your workout. Time & knowledge.. that's the key. Yes, I know.. food, rest, etc.. But mainly.. time & knowledge.

I lucky enough to have a couple of guys on local forums that help me analyze my videos and I'd like to thank them for that.  THANKS GUYS..